Wednesday, February 26, 2014

My Sweet, Sweet Valentines

You usually don't do much for Valentines. We get the boys some chocolates, and both surprise eachother with a box of chocolates. Most years Ty has had to work on Valentines, so we made a special dinner for eachother at home, or sometimes went out the previous day, or weekend. This year he was off and it was a GREAT day! Zach actually had the day off because the district had UIL stuff going on. First we went to a delicious donut shop for breakfast and everyone got to pick whatever they wanted. Then we headed home to hang out for a bit.  After breakfast, Zach had melt down after melt down after melt down, so we had Grandma come save the day and take him on a Grandma/Zach date for the day. Then me and Connor went to the flower shop down the street. He begs me everyday to go there because the sweet little lady gave him a rose we went to see her shop and he never forgot. So everyday he would ask me as passed it, and I always told him we will go on V-day. So we did! He really loved it, it was pretty sweet. He picked out a blue rose for himself, a yellow rose for Grandma, and 2 cute V-day froggy balloons for him and Gav. Then we headed home. Our good friends the Hall's who were our neighbors were actually moving that day. So the kids came over and said there good byes and I went over for a little to help Jana clean up the house while Gavin slept and Con and dad spent quality time together getting my present ready.

Zach and Ben
Max and Zach
Connor (with his pet bearded dragon in his lap), Ginny, and Zach
After I was done cleaning I got to come home to 2 sweet boys giving me their present! Connor colored me a heart picture and Tyler went all out. He got me a cute basket and stuffed it with Chocolates, candle, and some awesome new work out clothes (because I have been doing Pilates for the last month!) It was perfect. Then he made me, him, and Con some chocolate covered strawberries, because what is Valentines without a good chocolate strawberry, right?? 
My awesome V-day gift from Ty

I made some mini V-day cupcakes for fun for the boys-then we headed off to go get Zach. We got them some Mcdonalds (gross, but they like it), headed home and our sweet babysitter (my present to Ty) was already there waiting for us! We said our goodbyes and went out for some dinner! Of course everywhere was jam packed, so we settled with Spaghetti Warehouse, not anything fancy-or super good really, ha-but we didn't care-there was no wait. We were in and out within an hour, ha!

It was a super great day and I feel so blessed I got to spend it with my favorite Valentines! 

His special Blue Rose

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