The Birth Of Gavin
It's a sweet, simple, short story! I had my 38 week appointment on the morning of Friday March 16th. I was going in for a routine appointment plus an NST to check contractions and the babies heart beat, since I had problems with both the other boys he just wanted to check-especially since movement was low! My sweet mom had the older boys so me and Ty went to the doc! They hooked me up and I was having contractions about every two minutes, not hard ones, but they were consistent. The doc. said because they were so consistent that we should go ahead and take him that day! We really weren't expecting that and didn't really know what to think or do. It wasn't an emergency, babies heart beat was great and he wasn't under any stress during contractions so that was a good sign! So he re-scheduled it for the afternoon of the 16th instead of a week from then on the 23rd! We picked up the boys, went home put the baby car seat in and got little last minute things done (I was uncomfortable but not in much pain at all)! We left the boys with Ty's mom and headed off! We checked in and got all hooked up, by this point the contractions were about 30 seconds long and a minute apart and they were a lot stronger.
I still wasn't in a whole lot of pain, just lots of back labor, and crampy, but it really wasn't hard core labor, so that's nice-but for some reason I kind of wanted it to be. ha. Anyway, they wheeled me off to the surgery room (what's that called?!?) and I got my spinal tap, they got me all numb and all the meds flowing then they called Tyler back. I didn't really like that, because the other times he got to be there while I was getting the spinal and all that, so it was kind of weird without him. Next thing I know they were cutting! I was so itchy and really tired this time. I always have a bad reaction to the morphine and get super itchy, so I was pretty uncomfortable, but at the same time super relaxed.I could hardly stay awake this time, Ty had to keep tapping on my forehead so I wouldn't fall asleep! Next thing I new he was out and screaming :). He cried a ton more than the other boys, it was a nice loud screechy scream :).
Tyler left with little Gavin and the nurses as I laid on the table to get sewn (or stapled really) back up! Only it was taking a lot longer than I remembered. That's when the docs informed me they had hit my bladder and it was cut open so they were deciding the best method to fix it. They had realized this when they looked down at my Foley and it was full of blood. Of course I knew I was in good hands and I was way to drugged to care! So I think they stitched it back up and used a stem cell treatment to help it recover and heal! I think I was in the surgery room for 30 to 45 minutes longer than usual.
They wheeled me back into my room where lots of family was waiting! Soon after Gavin and daddy came in and they handed me my little angel! I didn't hold him for long, just enough to see his beautiful face, give him a quick snuggle and lots of kisses, but was feeling really sick, weak, and really tired-so sadly I didn't have the energy or strength to hold him, so I passed him off into grandma's hands, and from their I think he has passed around!
My hospital stay was good. I loved all my sweet nurses. Gavin was an angel of course and was super easy, it was more of a vacation :). He did 5 and 6 hour stretches and I let him! He latched right away and was a super good eater since day one! We had a hard time with his name but finally decided on the second day I think it was. We just liked the name Gavin and Don, his middle name, is after my most amazing grandpa who we love so much!
We went home the following Monday. Zach and Connor just LOVE their baby brother! So far no jealousy, just pure love and lots of little helping hands. I don't know what I would do without my little Zach! He has been the biggest helper. He watches him, holds him, comforts and soothes him. He will hold him for a good 30 minutes straight. He knows how to rock and bounce him when he gets sad and gently put his passy in, he has made the transition a lot easier beleive it or not! Connor is surprisingly super soft and gentle with him too! He loves to hold him but only last a few minutes. I love having three little boys and feel extrememly blessed! I love all my boys so much, and we all love our new special addition, little Gavin!
Aww! Thanks for posting this! I felt a little sick reading about your bladder getting cut! I'm glad everything turned out ok! Love you guys!
Great birth story! I love the pictures!
love this and love all the pics!! I love that one with Gavin by your face. so cute!
Congrats! I'm so happy for you guys. He's adorable!
Thanks guys :)
What an awesome story!! I loved it and makes me so excited about having mine... minus the cutting into part! You've always been such a great example to me and I love seeing your sweet family grow!! Love you!!
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