Christmas was nothing less of amazing this year. It was absolutely wonderful, although we do wish we could have seen more of my family! We started off our celebrations on Friday the 23rd with Ty's family. Everyone was in town, and it was our year to spend Christmas day with my family so this worked out great! We started the evening with a nice night out at the Cheesecake Factory with his whole family. Then we met back at his parents house, where the kids got to decorate gingerbread (graham cracker) houses with an abundance of candy that Tyler and I had made earlier that day. As the little ones did that the adults had a white elephant gift exchange and then a nice gift exchange. It was a BLAST. I think it is safe to say it was a very fun and entertaining night everyone, including the little ones-who spent most the night decorating and eating candy :) Doesn't get better than that!
This is what I got for my white elephant gift, not bad! |
Sweet Connor went straight to bed after the restaurant that night, so when he got up the next morning he got to do this :) |
Our awesome neighbors dress up and stay outside all day every year on Christmas Eve! It is awesome!
They loved seeing him again!
On Christmas Eve we went to G-mom and Pops! I think we went about 4! We enjoyed our traditional pizza and lots of other goodies and desserts sweet G-mom had prepared for all of us! It was a relaxing night without any set schedule! Mom, Andrew (dad had to work) and Sarah and her family all got to be together that evening! It was a very fun, relaxing night that ALWAYS brings back memories of the past 20 years of my life of going over there for Christmas Eve, a tradition I will always cherish!
We love our Pop SOO much! |
It was all so yummy! |
Cousins having fun together! |
Isn't he the cutest! |
Grandma and her phone are always a huge hit! |
G and P opening their gift from Ty and I, and Sam and Lacey. An automatic candy dispenser!
I think they loved it! |
Poor Connor ended up having a virus of some sort that night. He had a fever and passed right out.
Ty had to run out and get him some medicine because he was burning up. |
Christmas eve night I ended up getting a stomach bug. I was up most of the night throwing up! It was pretty miserable, but by the morning I felt good so it worked out! The boys woke at their normal time between 630 and 7. We woke uncle Andrew and Grandma and Grandpa, and then went to go to see what Santa had brought us! This was by far the best Christmas yet. Connor was so excited with this new toy that was already unwrapped he didn't even notice the pile behind it :)
Zach was so thrilled and over whelmed! He was very very grateful for all his amazing gifts! |
Connor pretty much spent the whole day opening gifts, he was so slow! Took his time with each one, then played with them before opening the next! |
This is Zach being excited for Connor and whatever he just opened. It was sweet! |
Zach was always sad on Sundays saying he was the only one without scriptures. So grandma got these for him!
They even have his name on them! It was so cute, and he remembers every Sunday to bring them! |
Zach's awesome pile! |
Santa's leftover cookies and a sweet letter! |
Playing after church on Christmas! |
Sarah and the family came for church and stayed for Christmas dinner! Zach loves his cousins! |
Around 4:00 that day we decided to head home and go have another Christmas celebration with Tyler's parents! It was so fun, and the boys couldn't even believe they had more gifts to open! It really was a whole day of opening gifts it felt like! It was such a wonderful day, and it was so great that it was on the Sabbath so we could enjoy an wonderful Sacrament meeting! We played with news games and toys the rest of the night, then went to bed! We really are so blessed to be surrounded by family! We can't wait for next year, expecially since we will have a new addition to celebrate it with!

We had a great New Years Eve! This year we spent it with our friends the Holdstocks! We played games while the kids played with toys! WE enjoyed lots of yummy food and great company. Unfortunately we didn't stay the whole time! We usually aren't party poopers but we had been out playing all day long, so we were all really tired, and since church was the next day we decided to call it a night around 11! It was a great night though!
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