Monday, August 08, 2011

Under The Big Top!

Birthday Boy
Sweet little Connor just turned 2 and he had a spectacular Circus/Carnival Party! It was so much fun! My mom helped alot and I had been planning and collecting things for a couple of months! It was so much fun planning and putting it all together, but when it was over-I was so over it! I guess two months of planning and preparing got me pretty sick of carnival and cirucs type things ever since it was over! Anyway, I know he won't remember-but he sure did have a good time! I'll let the pictures do the talking!

Cupcake Ice cream Cones! So easy and so yummy! A kid favorite for sure!

They enjoyed playing Ring Toss and Duck fishing, every time they played a game they got
a ticket they could take the to prize bucket!

We made a cute little photobooth, with a bucket of props and had a photo op area!
Cute idea, but I do wish more people used it!

I loved my lollipops, they were part of the favors, excepts zach managed to
knock them over and break almost everyone. Oh well!

These are the "popcorn" cupcakes! These were way to easy! I just printed the  sleeve taped them
around the cupcake. Colored the marsh mellows (popcorn!) iced the cupcakes then sprinkled the marsh mellows on top, and wa-la!

My awesome mom made this super cute sign!

Whats a Circus without cotton candy and a snow cone machine :)  So worth $30,
they were a big hit!

An awesome Birthday banner my sister created and my mom put together! Love them!

Tyler was in charge of both these booths and did a pretty amazing job
if I do say so myself :) (signs from oriental trading)

Can't have a circus/carnival without some fresh hot dogs!  This
hot dog warmer was another very good investment bought from Bed, Bath, and Beyond
and was very affordable-especially for a husband who loves hot dogs!

Amazing Ticket Booth made by my mom (what would I do without her?) And a little ballown thing I made?
I was going to do an archway (which is super easy to make) but in all honesty I was getting
to faint blowing those all up, so this is how it ended. I still love it! 

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